Hiiii there! I'm Margaret but close friends can call me Stevie. I'm 27 in dog years and more autistic than anyone else in the world :o) I'm plural but i genuinely only talk to my wife and my best friend about it so dont sweat it or think it rlly matters when interacting with me. I'm just a normal dude. I have a lot of interests including poetry, art and art history, flora and fauna in general, conservation, insects, gardening, pottery, coding, snoopy, games, writing, the sims, wishing i could smoke but not being able to, fishing games, my wife, weird men, my friends, drinking too much sweet tea, and much much more. I do selfship and I'll talk about it here and there. I have a small circle of beloved friends and will talk about them a lot. I work at a cafe in a zoo and am planning on going to college for biology to become a zookeeper. I will talk a lot about that too. My favorite animals are giraffes, tigers, anteaters, tree kangaroos, orangutans, moles, tanukis, and pangolins. I help my wife care for monarchs in the warm months and we have a cat named Ralph that we saved. Update i got a new old lady cat named annette shes my world.
- Consumerism / Retail
- Fast food
- Moominvalley
- Disney
- Tech / Transportation
- Survival horror
- Coding / Old web
- Old / concept / lost media
- Conservation
- Fantasy / RPG
- Mystery
fucking exhausted shit sucks tbh. work is crazy home is crazy my own head is crazy.
im sooo sleepy and im abt to start a big work week burst but im having a lot of fun coding and spending time with the girls i cant wait for art fight